Nullam facilisis lectus diam, in aliquet mi adipiscing quis. Suspendisse tincidunt semper nulla, ut feugiat dui elementum id. Etiam egestas semper purus, eget tempus nibh mollis nec. In iaculis turpis risus, vel bibendum purus tristique a. Pellentesque ligula turpis, aliquam sit amet sodales a, dictum vel nisi. Etiam in purus aliquam, gravida elit ut, fringilla neque. Praesent in massa purus. Suspendisse ac est non arcu mattis lobortis id dictum metus. Mauris odio eros, malesuada ut ipsum eu, malesuada blandit nunc. Aliquam eu nisl dui. Quisque vehicula porta dolor, volutpat mollis sem egestas in.
I am an black man in Los Angles, a practicing Jew — how can I join your Synagogues family (MOT ) ? — I have tried to join for some time now with no answer . What can I do ?
Shalom Larry,
I pray all is well with you and your family. If you are in California, you can always join weekly shabbat services by visiting any of the congregations in the link below. These congregations are predominantly on the east coast but have online shabbat lessons and discussions via youtube, zoom, and vis the congregations website. In the link below are about 10 congregations and a link to details about our annual brotherhood retreats holy day gathering such as Weekly Sabbaths (Shabbat), Passover/ Chag Ha’matzot (The Feast of Unleavened Bread), Chag Shvuote (Feast of Weeks), Yom Teruah/”Rosh HaShanah” (Day of the Blowing/”Hebrew New Holy Season)”, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Chag Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles (Booths)), and Shemini Atzeret (8th Day Solemn Assembly) etc.