Our New President: Rabbi Shalem Yeshurun
Rabbi Shalem becomes president of the International Israelite Board of Rabbis.

Black Jews Marched For Israel
Black Jews marched in support of Israel in Washington, D.C. on November 14, 2023.

New Black Rabbis Arise!
Seven Black rabbis were graduated and ordained by the International Israelite Board of Rabbis.
Israelite Academy Graduation 2023
This is a video of the Israelite Academy graduation ceremony. It took place at on October 27, 2023, at Beth Shalom Bnai Zaken Congregation in Chicago.

Marching For Justice
Black Jews March on Washington for justice, peace, and brotherhood.

Rabbinic Graduation, Ordination, and Anniversary
Details about the Rabbinic Graduation, Ordination, and Beth Shalom Anniversary in Chicago.

Hebrew Calendar 2024 to 2025
This is the Hebrew calendar produced by the International Israelite Board of Rabbis. It includes all Torah readings, Holy Days, and Yarzeit Dates.

25th Wedding Anniversary
Rabbi Debra Bowen and her husband, Dr. Earl Bowen, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in style at Congregation Temple Beth El synagogue in Philadelphia. They

March On Washington 60th Anniversary
The International Israelite Board of Rabbis supports the March on Washington today as we did sixty years ago. Rabbi Sholomo Levy and Rabbi Eliyahu LaPrince are leading delegations of Israelites to Washington, D.C., from August 25th to August 27th.

New York Board of Rabbis Admits Israelites
New York Board of Rabbis admits Israelite rabbis

The Gift of Music
Give the gift of music to those you love most. This year our music critics have recommended three exceptional artists whose songs lift the spirit

Black-Jewish Alliance
On Tuesday, February 21st, beginning at 7 pm, Rabbi Sholomo Ben Levy will lead us in what he calls a “courageous conversation” around the most controversial issues that divide Blacks and Jews today.
The first session addressed the complexities of “Black Antisemitism” in the United States. The next session, on February 21, will consider “How some progressives see Israeli policies toward the Palestinians as disruptive to progressive coalitions.” Everyone is invited to participate in this forum.

New Year Message From Chief Rabbi Funnye
In this article, Chief Rabbi Funnye shares his inspiring message with us for Rosh Hashanah 2022/ 5783.

Exodus and Emancipation
We Israelites see ourselves as both Biblical Israelites as well as African Americans who suffered through the Middle Passage and slavery in America, as well as other parts of the Western Hemisphere.

Rabbi Levy Teaches Peace At Moravian University
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion & Reeves Library Present: The Civil Rights Discussion Series Moravian University The series will feature panelists who discuss themes from a

Lecture by Rabbi S. Levy
Rabbi Sholomo Levy will give a lecture of the racial legacy of the Civil War. This event is sponsored by Diversity United.

Book Review: In The Bosom of the Seventh Seal by Zeridah Ra’Chel Yehudah
This is a book review of In the Bosom f the Seventh Seal by Zeridah Ra’Chel Yehudah

“Sacred Nile” A New Book By CHESTER HIGGINS
Our brother and renown photographer, Chester Higgins, has a new book entitled “Scared Nile.” The pictures and essays take the reader on a beautiful journey through time.

Black Jews & Racial Justice
Chief Rabbi Funnye will speak to HBCU about Black Jews and Racial Justice on April 29, 2021 at 7:00. Details attached.

Monday, April 26th 7:00 PM
Chief Rabbi Funnye will address the Central Reform Congregations University Series on Monday, April 26th.

The Health Spot With Queen Adirah
Welcome to the Health Spot with Queen Adirah Levy. Here she shares advice and recipes for healthy living.

Rosh Hashanah Service
“These are the appointed festivals of the Lord” Lev 23 The International Israelite Board of Rabbis is sponsoring its annual Yom Teruah service at Queens

Synagogues Slowly Reopen
When the COVID plague began in March, many congregations scrambled to provide services online using technology such as Zoom, Facebook, and Youtube. This was a

Israelite Virtual Conference August 23-29, 2020
convened by Zion House of Israel Temple K.O.Y. – Barbados – Caribbean In Association with Hebrew Families of Guyana; Congregation Beit Da’ath, Chokmah, Binah (D.C.B.)

Video Israelite Graduation Ceremony 2020
Table of Contents Time Marker Introduction Dr. Cooper 0:01 Welcome Address Rabbi Debra Bowen, Pennsylvania 2:25 Rabbi Benyamin Levy, 8:57 Gaverit Yitzchak, South Carolina 11:35

Bar Mitzvah Omali Yisrael
Send Omali A Gift Omali’s Video Highlights Omali’s Photo Albam

Covid-19 Go Fund Me Campaign
The ICVC is raising money to assist groups helping others during COVID-19. We serve the needs of the community. The three pillars we stand on

Why We Count The Omer
Rabbi Sholomo Levy explains the history, meaning, and some of the mysteries of counting using the Kabbalistic method. In this video, he shows that the spiritual journey of counting in this manner helps us to reach a divine destination on Shavuot.

Mother’s Day Program 2020
The Phenomenal Israelite Women’s Webinar Committee presents “AHAVAH”A WOMEN’S DAY OF LOVEIn Celebration of Womanhood Sunday May 10, 202011:00am until 1:00pm Via Zoom meeting Meeting ID:

Essay Contest
April 25, 2020 Essay and Video Presentation Contest Peace and Love to All, During this season of our deliverance, we embraced our Passover (Pesach) and

Fast Mondays
Chief Rabbi Funnye and many other leaders of our community have proclaimed a solemn day of fasting and praying to begin this Monday, April 27,

Passover Seder Details
Rabbis Conducting the Seder Chief Rabbi Funnye Rabbi Sholomo Levy Rabbi Baruch Yehudah Rabbi Yeshurun Levy Join Us Online For Passover Everyone is welcome Step-by-Step

What is Kosher Matzah?
In this video, Rabbi Yehudah Ben Lewi explains, from a Talmudic perspective, the laws governing the making of Matzah. This scholarly explanation covers the history,

Prayer Lines for Israelites
Here are the numbers to Israelite prayerlines and links to synagogues that stream their services for people to watch from home. You may join them
Racism Within the Jewish Community
In a series of interviews and articles, Elisheva Ester Rishon describes her racial odyssey of growing up as a black American in a white Orthodox

We Marched Against Antisemitism
The “true” Israelite community joined 20,000 other people of conscience who marched against Antisemitism on January 5, 2020. All of our New York congregations participated and Chief Rabbi Funnye sent a message on behalf of the International Israelite Board of Rabbis. We have always fought racism and bigotry. We have always stood for justice and we always will.
Chief Rabbi Funnye
December 7, 2019 Ninth Tabernacle 85 Fountain Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11208
Israelite Youth Shabbat
November 30, 2019 Union Temple 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238

Schedule of Holy Days 2020
“These are the appointed festivals of the Lord” Leviticus 23 Holyday Date Service Times Erev Rosh Hashanah (Tashlich) Friday September 18 7:00 pm Rosh
Memories of the 2019 Centennial Celebration
The Meaning of this Commemoration Rabbi Sholomo Ben Levy This centennial is more than an anniversary for us. It is even more important than commemorating

Tribute to the Ancestors

Memories of Africa: A Son Returns by Rabbi Sholomo Levy
This is a year of return. Four hundred years ago, in 1619, the first African stepped onto the shores of Jamestown, Virginia. In many ways, that event was more significant than landing on the moon. In fact, one could argue that if those Africans had not proceeded to make the colonies rich, our history would be very different—if it existed at all. People have always wanted to measure time. Ancient man looked up at the night sky and began counting the number of days to complete the phases of the moon; that gave us months and eventually years. We poured sand through an hour-glass to achieve more precision. The strange thing about time is that even our most advanced clocks are instruments that can only measure the passage of time from some point in the present to some other point in the past. Nothing measures time in the future. And as we look back, we see patterns and cycles that seem to repeat; markers and turning points that tell us how low we sunk and how far we have come. This year is such a time of reflection.
$500 Contest Web Designer
The Israelite Board of Rabbis is searching for a web designer in our community to upgrade our site. Visit www.blackjews.org for competition details. Design a

Chief Rabbi Levy: Life and Legacy
This site contains some of the speeches, interviews, and biography of Chief Rabbi Levi Ben Levy

Make Your Own Matzah
Rabbinit Rayah Levy and Queen Adirah will show you how Step-by-step instructions Simple Recipes

Israelite Haggadah For Passover
This Haggadah was developed by the Israelite Board of Rabbis. It contains everything you need to celebrate the Passover seder. It is entirely unique because

Passover Do’s and Dont’s by Rabbi Chief Binyamin
In this video Rabbi Chief Benyamin reviews some of the history, traditions, and laws associated with the observance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. When

Family Bowling
Shalom Family: Please see attached flyer regarding the upcoming Family Bowling Day, sponsored by the Israelite Community Vision Council. Date: Sunday, April 24, 2022 Time:

The Meaning of Hanukkah by Chief Rabbi Levi Ben Levy
The Meaning of Hanukkah A Kabbalistic Interpretation By Chief Rabbi Levi Ben Levy ﬨנצבה Hanukkah is eight days of meditation, concentration, contemplation and thinking of

Black Jews Celebrate Black History Month
This Unity Sabbath service took place at Beth Shalom Hebrew Congregation in Brooklyn, New York, on February 22, 2025.

Interview with Rabbi Yeshurun Levy
https://youtu.be/rbJSXGU4j2M?si=plAhPDn07Ygkg2S1 This interview with Rabbi Yeshurun Levy, the spiritual leader of Beth Shalom Hebrew congregation in Brooklyn, NY, was conducted by Rabbi Sholomo Levy at

We Belong at the Table
https://youtu.be/RBVDC0KTuy0?si=LQZBh6l6Lr5NgI1X In this warm and revealing video, Rabbi Elijah Laprice and Dr. Shelly Laprince show the world how many Black Jews welcome the Sabbath into

The Black Jewish community mourns the death of Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi Michael Lerner, a passionate advocate for social justice and spiritual renewal, passed away peacefully on August 28, 2024, at the age of 81[1][2]. Born

PBS Documentary with Chief Rabbi Funnye
Exciting News: Chief Rabbi Capers Funnye to Feature in PBS Documentary on Blacks and Jews in America We are thrilled to announce that Chief Rabbi

Rabbi Sholomo Levy at the University of Scranton, Nov 19, 2024
Rabbi Sholomo Ben Levy, professor of history at Northampton Community College, will present “Black Jews in America: Diversity and Identity” at The University of Scranton’s

Antisemitism & Racism: Lehigh University Feb 21
Rabbi Sholomo B. Levy, Professor of history at Northampton Community College, will use his unique perspective as a Black Jew to lead a “courageous conversation” around the issues that unite and divide Blacks and Jews today.
February 21 Lehigh University 3:00