In Memory of Abraham Ford
In Memory of Abraham (Abiyi) Ford March 5, 1935 to May 9, 2018 The Israelite Community mourns the death of Professor Abraham (Abiyi) Ford. He

Family Bowling
Shalom Family: Please see attached flyer regarding the upcoming Family Bowling Day, sponsored by the Israelite Community Vision Council. Date: Sunday, April 24, 2022 Time:

Famine in Africa Strikes Uganda
The International Israelite Board of Rabbi’s, (IIBR) founded in 1925 and reorganized in 1973 is a New York based organization with chapters in NY, Chicago, Atlanta, GA,

Israelite Convention 2017
Israelite Convention 2017 August 4-6 Atlanta, Georgia Round Trip Flights New York $204 Chicago $211 Philadelphia $187

Female Rabbis: Are We Ready?
A Bet Din (Rabbinic Court) hearing is scheduled to hear this matter at our Centential Convention in August. The Chief Rabbi has published his written
Declaration of African Israelite Peoplehood
International Israelite Board of Rabbis Proposal Declaration of African Israelite Peoplehood Article I We affirm our brotherhood with and membership in the Jewish people

Bnai Adath Night of Elegance Feb 14th
We are The Congregation of B’nai Adath Kol Beth Yisrael, a home for all Israel, a home for anyone who seeks the truth of