Make Your Own Matzah
Rabbinit Rayah Levy and Queen Adirah will show you how Step-by-step instructions Simple Recipes

Rabbinet Deborah Levy Matzaball Soup Recipe
Let Rabbinet Deborah Levy teach you her secrete to great Matzball Soup List of ingredients: • 1 4–5-lb. chicken (Vegetarian option substitute vegetable broth) •

Harvard Law Professor, Lani Guiner, Describes Racism at Jewish Events
During an interview on C-SPAN Lani Guinier, an eminent legal scholar, was asked to describe her life, her six books, and her career as a

Sukkot Memories
Rabbi Sholomo Levy and his son Levi in their Sukkot Booth in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania 2013.

Rabbi Funnye Interview
This is part of an interview that Rabbi Funnye did in August of 2014. In it he talks about many of our traditions and beliefs.

Abayudaya New Year 2014
This video depicts our brother, Rabbi Gersham Sizomu, and his congregation in Uganda as they observe the holy day of Rosh Hashanah 2014.