Purchases and Charitable Donations
Thank you for supporting us. Since we are a small organization, we have contracted the services of one of the largest and most secure credit card processing companies in the United States. PayPal is owned by Ebay, the nation’s largest online auction company and is used to provide safe and secure transactions over the internet. All of your information is encrypted and protected using the latest technology.
PayPal charges us a small fee to process your order. We receive the funds immediately with your name, purchase, and the same transaction number that you get with your confirmation, but none of your credit card information is shared with us or any third party. If you shop a lot on the internet you might consider joining Paypal so that you can shop with participating vendors using your email instead of your credit card; however, you do not have to join Paypal in order to make this donation.
All contributions to Beth Elohim are tax deductible.
“Give According To Your Blessings”

Tithe Offering
This link is the modern online “collection plate.” It is the means by which you support the work of our ministry. Giving is one of the important ways of showing that we are thankful for God’s blessings.

Season Fee
If you plan to worship with us for Passover, Rosh Hashannah, or Sukkot, pay the meals and services here. The recommended donation to attend those services is $75 per working person.

Purchase Tickets
Use this link to purchase tickets to our events. Please put the name and date in the notes field and present your receipt at the door.

Specific Project
Specific Project
If you are directing your donation to a specific fund, project, or event, please indicate in the note field the purpose of your donation.