Black Jews Celebrate Black History Month
This Unity Sabbath service took place at Beth Shalom Hebrew Congregation in Brooklyn, New York, on February 22, 2025.
We were chosen by God to be a “light to the nations” Isaiah 49:6 Standing up for justice and righteousness means standing against all forms of racism, antisemitism, and hate. Therefore, we will march with our brothers and sisters of all races and religions in our common effort to repair the world. For as the prophet said by our actions, “you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.” Isaiah 58:12
Rabbi Arnold Josiah Ford, the Musical Director of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), literally led Marcus Mosiah Garvey in marching through Harlem in the 1920s. Our founder, Chief Rabbi W.A. Matthew, marched with Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. in the 1960s. We marched in Montgomery and in Selma. Chief Rabbi Levi Ben Levi led us to march in Washington, D.C. during the 1990s. Now, Chief Rabbi Capers Funnye, calls on Israelites everywhere to meet the current challenge. We marched out of Egypt. We marched around the walls of Jericho until they came tumbling down. We will march until the scourge of evil engulfing our world is defeated.
We will march like Maccabees together on Sunday, January 5, 2020, to show our solidarity with all those who fight against antisemitism. Please march with us. Represent. We will march with our Torah scrolls before us proudly wearing our tzit tzit and chipot to proclaim to the world that we are truly Israel.
The March Against Antisemitism will begin at 11:00 at Foley Square in Manhattan. From there we will march over the Brooklyn Bridge to Cadman Place Park. Our Israelite delegation will meet on the Brooklyn side at 12:00 on the steps of the District Court House near the corner of Tillary Street and Cadman Plaza East. (For more details visit https://www.ujafedny.org/marchnyc/ or contact ICVC President, Deborah Reuben)
The Israelite Community Vision Counsel (ICVC) would like to thank everyone for supporting our Hanukkah program and for all that we accomplished in 2019. Most recently, we prepared and distributed over 50 care packages to the elderly and to needy families. We thank QJCC for their food donation. We look forward to continued success in 2020. -With your support and participation we can reach our goals.
This Unity Sabbath service took place at Beth Shalom Hebrew Congregation in Brooklyn, New York, on February 22, 2025.
https://youtu.be/rbJSXGU4j2M?si=plAhPDn07Ygkg2S1 This interview with Rabbi Yeshurun Levy, the spiritual leader of Beth Shalom Hebrew congregation in Brooklyn, NY, was conducted by Rabbi Sholomo Levy at
https://youtu.be/RBVDC0KTuy0?si=LQZBh6l6Lr5NgI1X In this warm and revealing video, Rabbi Elijah Laprice and Dr. Shelly Laprince show the world how many Black Jews welcome the Sabbath into
Rabbi Michael Lerner, a passionate advocate for social justice and spiritual renewal, passed away peacefully on August 28, 2024, at the age of 81[1][2]. Born
Exciting News: Chief Rabbi Capers Funnye to Feature in PBS Documentary on Blacks and Jews in America We are thrilled to announce that Chief Rabbi
We promote peace, love, and respect of all people.
International Israelite Board of Rabbis
6601 South Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60629
Chief Rabbi Capers Funnye
Main Office (773) 476-2924
Rabbi Sholomo B. Levy, Pres.
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