July 25, 2023
Shalom Family & Friends,
Once again, the ICGC presents our annual Israelite Community Graduation Celebration!
Throughout our community, there are several individuals who have accomplished great
educational milestones this year. Their accomplishments have permitted them to progress to the
next level of their academic journey. We would like to recognize, appreciate and celebrate our
scholars and graduates of 2023!
Similar to last year, our celebration this year will take place virtually. To ensure that we have the
grandest communal graduate celebration, it is imperative that we obtain every graduate’s name
and information ASAP. Attached to this letter you will find a Graduate survey. We request that
one form be completed for each graduate and submitted no later than August 11th
It is our hope that we can make this celebration even grander than before. We cannot do this
without your support! We thank and greatly appreciate all who have previously contributed and
helped to make this event a huge success. We are humbly requesting your support and donations
to ensure we can adequately obtain quality gifts for all the hardworking graduates of 2023.
We thank you in advance for your consideration and generous donations. Donations will be
accepted through PayPal, Venmo and Zelle (please see below). For any questions regarding
donations, please contact Gv’t Deborah Mack, ICGC treasurer, at deborah@bnaiadath.org.
More details regarding the event will soon follow. In the meantime, should you have any additional
questions or concerns you may contact us at israelitecommunitygraduation@gmail.com.
We thank you in advance for your consideration, cooperation and continuous support! We look
forward to celebrating the Graduates of 2023 with all of you!
With Torah Blessings,
Israelite Community Graduation Committee
Please memo all donations, “Graduation 2023”
Zelle: dtt1961@aol.com
PayPal: dtt1961@aol.com
Venmo: @deborah-mack-11
Mail to: Debra Mack PO Box 330652 1915 Fulton Street Brooklyn, NY 11223
**Please make all donations payable to ICVC