Rabbi Eliyahu Hammarabbi Ben Yehudah was a great leader, teacher, husband and father. His contributions to our community are innumerable and will never be forgotten. Much more about the life of Rabbi Eliyahu Yehudah will be shared on this page in the future. For now, we only wish to announce his transition and provide details about the funeral arrangements.
Monday, April 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Plaza Jewish Community Chapel, 630 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10024.
Internment will be at Washington Memorial Park, 855 Canal Rd, Mount Sinai, NY 11766.
Repast will be @ 127-03 Jamaica Ave, Richmond Hill NY 11418

Rabbi Eliyahu Yehudah on saxophone "I Am The Light" with Beth Elohim Choir
Some of our favorite memories of Rabbi Eliyahu Yehudah.

Video highlights of Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Yehudah
We invite those who knew and loved Rabbi Eliyahu to share their memories and condolences with us on this memorial page. Amen
May Rabbi Eliyahu Yehudah soul be bound up with our forefathers, Abraham Issac and Jacob in Gan Eden. His memory is a blessing to all of us.
I was blessed to meet and got to know Rabbi Eliyahu on a spiritual, personal and service level. Rabbi was a no nonsense, but kind spirit. I pray Yh Yhwh is pleased with my big brothers works. I believe Rabbi Eliyahu is due a promotion in Yah’s next assignment. Yah Khai! Yah Khai! Yah Khai!
A dedicated and passionate leader. He will be sorry missed in our community. One of my favorite quotes “Expect the best and give it a rest.”. May his soul be bound in the circle of life.
May the Creator bless his memory
Mr. Williams man where do I start this was family father figure uncle friend and Scout leader. I was blessed to know the whole family and grow with them and have them in my life. The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts called him Smokey the Bear due to the hat he would wear when we went camping. Was stern but always had this smile that let you know you can do it and also was one with Wisdom. I would stop by every once in a while and just chat with him and talk life family and politics. I will miss him but He with the Lord now 🙏
יִזְכּוֹר אֱלֹהִים נִשְׁמַת זְקֵן רבי אליהוּ בן יהוּדה , שֶׁהָלַךְ לְעוֹלָמוֹ, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבִּלי נֵדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה בַּעֲדוֹ, בִּשְׂכַר זֶה תְּהֵא נַפְשׁוֹ צְרוּרָה בִּצְרוֹר הַחַיִּים, עִם נִשְׁמָת אַבְרָהָם, יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב, שָׂרָה, רִבְקָה, רָחֵל וְלֵאָה, וְעִם שְׁאָר צַדִיקִים וְצִדְקוֹנִיוֹת שֶׁבְּגַן עֵדֶן, וְנוֹאמַר: אָמֵן.
Yeez-kohr eh-loh-heem nee-shmaht ZAQEN RABBI ELIYAH BEN YEHUDAH, a”h, z”l sheh-hah-lakh loh-lah-moh. Bah-ah-voor sheh-beely nay-dehr eh-tayn tzdah-kah bah-ah-doh bee-skhahr zeh ti-ha nahf-shoh tzroo-rah beetz-rohr hah-khah-yeem eem nee-shmaht ahv-rah-hahm yeetz-khahk vi-yah-ah-kohv sah-orah reev-kah rah-khayl vi-lay-ah. Veem shahr tzah-dee-keem vi-tzeed-koh-nee-oht shehb-gahn ay-dehn vi-noh-mahr: ah-mayn.
May the Eternal Power; Hashem Shel YHWH remember the soul of Elder Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Yehudah, a”h, z”l who has gone to his world, because I will — without obligating myself with a vow — donate charity for his sake. In this merit, may his soul be bound up in the bond of life with the souls of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, and with the other righteous men and women who are in Gan Eden; and let us say, Amen.
It was a pleasure meeting you and your heir, your son. I will do my best to never let your legacy die in our community and Am Yisrael. Sleep well and Rest in Power. Yah Khai יה חַי
-Nahtahniel Sahgeev Reel-Yehudah, Nasik HaKatan
Hebrew Scholars
his loss greatly affected me he was a great man and great teacher for the community he will be missed. Rest in peace brother!