Here are the numbers to Israelite prayerlines and links to synagogues that stream their services for people to watch from home. You may join them and fellowship online in times of need. This growing list of resources is particularly useful to people who do not live near an Israelite congregation and those who are shut in on Shabbat become of the Corona crisis.

Beth Shalom Bnai Zaken/ Chief Rabbi Capers Funnye
This is the largest Israelite synagogue in Chicago. It is the home of Chief Rabbi Capers Funnye. They are a very diverse and warm congregation with a great choir. Everyone is welcome to attend.
6601 S Kedzie Ave, Chicago, IL 60629
(773) 476-2924

Beth Shalom Hebrew Congregation / Rabbi Yeshurun Levi
Beth Shalom is one of the oldest and largest Black synagogues in New York City. It is located at 730 Willoughby Ave in Brooklyn. Rabbi Yehurun Levi is a dedicated leader with a qualified staff of cantors and gabbis.
You can visit their “virtual” Shabbat services from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Meeting ID: 828 9397 7843
Passcode: 11206
Or dial in by your location:
1-929-205-6099 (New York)

Israelite Prayerline
This prayerline started as a support group for women. It now serves the entire Israelite community with various programs and special guests. The program begins every Saturday morning at 7:30 AM.
(301) 715-8592 Password 024592 ID 263 128 0405

Chief Uzziel—DCB Online Channel
These sites contain an archive of shows that Chief Uzziel hosts each Friday evening along with a rich collection of lectures and music that was presented over many year at their congregation, Beit Da’ath, Chokmah, Binah.

Beth Elohim Hebrew Congregation /Rabbi Sholomo Levy
Beth Elohim is a family-oriented synagogue located at 189-31 Linden Blvd in Saint Albans, New York. It has lots of programs for youth and a great choir.
Beth Elohim is happy to provide a treasure trove of lectures, sermons, events, and music that you can watch anytime.

Rabbi Baruch A. Yehudah / Bnai Adath Congregation
Bnai Adath will stream most of their services at 10:30 and provide a library of past events directly from Youtube using the link below:
If you subscribe to this channel you will be notified whenever they broadcast.
Our Instagram page is as follows:

Rabbi Shalem Yeshurun / Or Ami Congregation in Atlanta
This synagogue is based in Atlanta, Georgia. They have a knowledgeable and dedicated leader in Rabbi Yehsurun. They have been meeting online since the Covid pandemic. Simply use the link below to connect. Everyone is welcome!

Moreh Yeftahk Dahn / Shomrey Habreet
This is a young and growing Israelite congregation based in New York City. They have inspired and dynamic leadership. There services are broadcasted weekly. Simply use the link below to connect. Everyone is welcome!
I’ve been trying to find Congregation Or-Ami in College Park, GA to no avail. Please help.
Shalum family all esteem to ABBA YAHUAH and YAHUSHA for they have chosen us for a time as this. Please stand and pray with us for a closer walk with the Father, Healing spiritual guidance.
My name is Cheryl Cranford due to be changed back to Brisbon. I live in Leland, North Carolina my mother is a former Pasror of the AME church and I have recently moved back with her from South Carolina to keep a vow I made to The Most High and my Dad before his passing. I am the youngest of her three children and the only one willing to sacrifice to be here with her she has had three strokes and a near death experience it has been recommended she not live alone. I have been in the healthcare field since 1997, my husband promised we would come be with her 5 years ago but had no intentions of keeping his promise to me and his ways have separated us due to me remaining in the commandments and him attempting at every turn to hinder and attack me mercilessly for keeping the commandments and not smoking or drinking. I had to leave for my own spiritual and physical well-being. Since I have been here I have received similar attacks from her my own Mother for the same reasons, she has even attempted to have me arrested suggesting i was crazy but the Most High protected and guarded me. I have no truebelivers anywhere in my area nor access to a vehicle to drive where there are any. I’ve been granted only these few minutes to use her computer to write this message to you. I am otherwise usually blocked from even accessing her wi-fi to even atten onlie services or learn more. I must and have been trusting and obeying the Spirit of Truth to teach me and to direct me. Please pray for me that I remain strong until I am able to join with my True Family of True Believers. I pray that you may corespond with me by mail my only True means currently. Here is my address: Cheryl Brisbon 4937 Hood Creek Trail, N.E. Leland, North Carolina 28451. Please send any teaching or learning information the you are led to. Prayerfully Sister Cheryl Brisbon. I desire to be Baptist in the faith and to receive my True Fmily name.
Can you please pray for me I am a mature lady I have a Jewish son… I am based in London UK.
Please pray for our protection and safety..
Many thanks
God Bless
Shalom Family. I am new in the truth and could use some prayer as I’m having a hard time staying/getting on track. Thank you so much in advance.
Shalom Kierra. I am a part of a prayer circle. We meet every M-F at 6:45am EST and on Sat & Sunday @ 8am Prayer Line 701.802.5441 | Pin 871880. It is non-denominational we offer prayer, inspirations and positive affirmations. This month’s theme is Healthy Giving. This week we focused on how to give to yourself in healthy ways. Yaa Brinkley Hatcher
My father is going in for his heart to get shocked. Also praying for mother with her health issues. My relationship with my girlfriend. Also my job. I ask for all of these to go well. In Yahusah name I do pray. Halleluyah!