The Health Spot With Queen Adirah


Welcome to the Health Spot with Queen Adirah Levy. Here she shares advice and recipes for healthy living.

The Mind Body Connection

It had been predicted years ago that Mental Health issues would be on the rise. We have to find a way to get through life challenges by sustainable means and come to a place of peace and tranquility naturally. That is hard to do with companies merging and downsizing jobs but not workloads. Dramatic increases in the cost of living and the social demands of our modern lifestyle create financial stress and emotional pressure that is difficult to bear. I recently attended a seminar about how meditation was being implemented in the wellness plan in school-age children – an excellent and ancient idea to improve behavior and discipline. What follows are some tips we offered in a recent Health Spot on The Prayerline, which may help you to get on the right track and improve cognitive development and mental health:

  1. Refrain from unhealthy thoughts
  2. Be in the present moment
  3. Get good sleep
  4. Connect with others
  5. Live a healthy lifestyle
  6. Do something nice for yourself
  7. Write a letter to your future self

Certain foods like sugar and caffeine can alter your mood as well, so beware of the following:

– Coffee

– Soft drinks

– Sweets and baked goods

– Energy drinks

How many of us make our teas and fruit juice from scratch? Can you go to the garden and pick a bunch of mint and lemon balm? Would you squeeze 3 lemons and pick some basil to make lemonade, or run to the store to grab a container of juice? Do you grind fresh coffee beans at home or pick up a cup of Joe laden with tons of sugar and creamer from the convenience store on the way to work? We are tanking up on sugar first thing in the morning. The majority of our children are not drinking water before they go to school. They are drinking and eating sugar and may get little to no water throughout the day at school to flush them out. There is no wonder we are suffering from many health issues at younger and younger ages.


Foods are indeed part of our culture. Keeping recipes in the family make us feel better emotionally, although they may not be healthy or provide nutrients needed to sustain a productive quality of life. Food choices in the African American community are laden with salt and sugar. One scientific journal reports that sugar is addictive and has neurological effects on behavior and a higher impact on health complications in the African American community, in particular among young males. This is why it is so important to make your own beverages from the fruits that The Most High has provided, and give them snacks that are natural and wholesome, not processed and filled with sugar and salt. Make their snacks and beverages from scratch. You control the quality of the ingredients your precious children are taking in.




Water boosts seratonin and improves mood


Sugar intake from sweet food and beverages, common mental disorder and depression: prospective findings from the Whitehall II study


Why dietary choices matter when it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes


Racial and gender disparities in sugar consumption changes efficacy in first year college students,elevated%20risks%20for%20early%20onset%2C


With Torah Love~


Queen Adirah eshet Rabbi Benyamin Levy


“My Cup Runneth Over!”

by: Rabbinet Queen Adirah Levy

Our Pomegranate Juice


We are quickly approaching the cold and flu season and I need to know if you are drinking a blessing or drinking a curse. Let’s take a look into your cup and be sure you are laser-focused on the blessings The Eternal has created foods for your health. Here are some great recipes  to stimulate and revitalize your immune system… and they keep you hydrated and happy, too!

First on the list is WATER. Water is a great way to break your fast. Upon rising, why not try a cup of room temp water to activate your body systems from a long night’s rest. After all, your body is made up of more that 60% WATER. What a great way to start the day. Also, Infused Waters can amp you up in the morning as well, because the vitamins and minerals are coursing through the body independent of any interruption. Be sure not to eat or drink anything 30 min after drinking. The nutrients are being metabolized in the body on an empty stomach, so it is a dynamic uptake by the body. Don’t know how to infuse your water? Contact me for details.

Next you have juices… not just any juices because we know some juices are laden with preservatives, added sugar, alternative sweeteners and questionable formulations that were reintroduced to boost their nutritional content. Any food that goes through a process strips the goodness from the original product, whereas it has to be reintroduced to become fortified with what it already had in the first place! Now you’re just paying for the product. Why not take a little time and make your own organic fruit juices? Embrace the goodness therein, and take full advantage of the natural properties. Can we improve upon creation? Absolutely NOT! We just need to put on our aprons and get that good old juicer out and start squeezing! Here are some delicious juices you can make right at home and get not only the goodness of the juice itself, but all that natural aromatherapy that comes with the whole juicing process!

Lemon aid

Orange juice

Lemon Lime juice

Tomato juice

Carrot juice

Celery juice

Wheat grass. and so many more!

You are in control of the amount and the quality of your sweetener, water and the quality of the product with which that juice is actually made. The fantastic thing about juicing is that it’s a wonderful journey that puts YOU in the driver’s seat. Not only that, you are reducing your costs by hundreds of dollars! A small container of juice may cost you $6 and you’re getting sugar, sugar, and more sugar – which actually destroys your body. By making your own, you are fortifying your immune system naturally and putting more dollars back in your pocket. Now don’t say you don’t have time, or you can’t squeeze on account of a bad hand, or you don’t have a machine. These are all excuses. Contact me to get the juicer you need to get you started on cleaning your palette first thing in the morning and getting the blessing into your cup! Watch my YouTube video here and know The Most High has given you everything you need for good nutrition. You just have to get in that driver’s seat and kick the sugar OUT! That’s not to say you can’t have sweetener, just have the RIGHT sweetener. Find something healthy and that is right for you and your body. It may be dates or date syrup, agave, cane sugar or honey. Whatever you find, be sure it is organic and has healthful properties that support your body systems.

Now don’t forget about your smoothies. There is a big difference between juices and smoothies. Watch my YouTube video here and know the value of each type of drink. Make your own smoothies, you will be saving hundreds of dollars. You can make more for less. That is a savings right there. Now with juices, you can use the pulp to make other dishes, like healthy soups, cakes, cookies, bean burgers – just reach out to me and I can help you with delicious options. You can also use the pulp to fortify your own landscape or garden project reducing the dependency on synthetic fertilizers. You become the king of your crop. That is another savings right there. Learn how to get the blessing into your cup and take it out the cup of the adversary. It’s time we wise up, Yisrael. This is the first step toward redemption. Stay in control of your own food. Start with your cup…. 

Want more information on how to make delicious infused Water, power packed Juices and satisfying Smoothies you can enjoy throughout the day? Just reach out for me at We keep it simple, natural and delicious. 

Enjoy your day! Stay protected!

Queen Adirah Levy

Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant

Vegan Lifestyle Trainer and Holistic Wellness Coach

Creator of ‘Cancer, Be Gone!’ interview series

Showing Up Clean For The Holy Days

As we approach the New Year and get ready to usher in the first of our months, we welcome the sights and sounds of rejuvenation, of life and of restoration. Spring is indeed a sign of new beginnings. With that comes new commitment and new aspirations on how we are going to hold ourselves accountable for our health and wellness. Currently, we are organizing cleanses, dusting and scrubbing out our internal vessels to be ready to receive the new season in a fashion fit for The King of Kings! HalleluYAH! The Eternal has given us a charge and knows we are capable of seeing it through. We just need a little push to change the program and internalize the Divine Spirit of our Rock and Redeemer, and make some much needed changes to our regimen. We are holy, we are powerful, we are brilliant and shine with the Divine Light of The Eternal!

Shine your light and let it transform not only you, but everyone around you. This comes really easily when you wake up with water. Your body is more than 70% water, not coffee. Oftentimes we feel that we need a pick-me-up first thing in the morning, but we tend to open the wrong doors looking for help. Let’s take a look at what normally goes into our coffee… sugar, creamer and processed ground coffee that may have been flavored with something unnatural and more than likely not organic. That is your stimulation first thing in the morning. Sugar may cause inflammation and debilitate the immune response system. The creamer may also cause inflammation and debilitate the immune response system, and we know most of the liquid creamers are loaded with sugar. Okay, so we start out high-jacking our system first thing in the morning, then there is breakfast. Those delicious fried eggs with cheese and buttermilk pancakes with a healthy portion of turkey sausage… Double whammy! We know that there is a significant amount of fillers in our processed meat, not to mention salt and a long list of unpronounceable ingredients that make the little sausages so delicious we have to have 3 or 4! Then we pile more and more meat into our gut and are quite satisfied when we can’t move on account of overeating because it was so delicious! We have successfully created a monster in our belly. This is why cleansing 3 or 4 times a year is so important. We need to remove the junk before it completely destroys us. You know that we are what we eat. Our intake (really can’t say food anymore) is digested and utilized throughout the body to repair and replace as needed. If you don’t put the right stuff in, you will be hard pressed to get good results.

The way you begin the day is so very important to your wellness. Giving the body a healthy dose of natural resources is key in recalibrating our mind, body and spirit. Taking time to breathe and meditate before starting out can work for those who are suffering from overwhelm. Allowing that time to commune with The Most High is transforming all in itself. Drinking water first thing in the morning is a mega boost to the body and a wonderful pick-me-up to get the body started on the right track. Water is good for every system in the body, and good brain food too! Add a squeeze of organic lemon and you will be off to a fantastic start with clarity and natural, sustainable cleanse. Having a dish of fruit or a green smoothie to start the day will provide the nutrients the body needs to sustain you throughout the day. Yes, you may be a little hungry, but you will start to shed those unnecessary pounds that the body just didn’t know what to do with. Entering into a new regimen may be a bit difficult, but nothing easy was ever worth it. And YOU are worth it! So take the time to cleanse yourself and shake off those programs that have us in a medical bind. Pull off those blinders and get some clarity to see that today is a brand new day! Enter it with a brand new spirit! HalleluYAH! YAH Khai! Keep it simple, keep it real!

**Please note this is NOT medical advice. If you are taking medication or under a physician’s care, it is very important that you speak with your medical professional for any advice before you decide on a cleanse that is right for you.**

There is also a recording on what to clean the house with for Passover. The ICVC Nutrition & Wellness Committee has prepared a presentation linking the scriptures and the cleaning process together for you! It is a must see! Let us know in the comments how you liked it.

With Torah Love,

Queen Adirah~

360! For Life! Holistic Health Coach

Vegan Lifestyle Trainer

Founder of the ‘Cancer, Be GONE!’ Speaker Series

Holy Season Means Holy Diet
We are entering into a high holy season and looking to present ourselves before The Master of the Universe! Time to clean out your cobwebs and get focused on transforming to the best YOU  that you can possibly be. When you eat and drink healthily, the body starts to generate cells based upon your intake. If you’re feeding it unnatural substances, you will experience unnatural results. The Most High has given us myriad choices of delicious, healthy, clean foods to choose from that will help us to ascend to a higher vibration. YES! I said Higher VIBRATION! Didn’t you know food has spirit? And it responds to invaders as well as love. If you grow a garden, you can witness this. Man was set upon the Earth, Eretz, to till the soil upon which our sustenance emerges from. Food (and drinks) have a job to do, so we want to be sure to do our very best in creating a loving garden filled with sustainable foods that protect and defend the body systems. Some really easy things to grow that don’t take up space and are easily grown in containers are herbs. Plus they are packed with nutrients. I gave a presentation early this year at the Phenomenal Israelite Women’s event. Click here to view. LINK Our ability to manage our nutrients naturally helps us to maintain better health.
Food, real food, food that has Righteous intention, was created to not only build up healthy systems, but to make you HAPPY! We have a way to approach this naturally as well. Now be mindful, this isn’t meant to override any medical advice but you need to know this… The Most High has created foods that increase your serotonin levels and help you experience and maintain a better mood. This is science, but we need to do our own research and learn how to take care of ourselves. Food is being engineered to seduce our pleasure receptors and the product is debilitating our system. The plan is in action, however, we are in a position to rise above our condition. I have included an article that shows you foods that can help raise your spirits naturally. I encourage you to put down the sugar, and products laced with salt – you are eating yourself to death. LINK
Lastly, the world is being fed information that needs to be scrutinized. The media tends to tell you one thing but not the other. Food is designed to protect you with nutrients that help defend the system against invasion. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (especially when it is obvious the mainstream cure doesn’t work (i.e. respirators), so be mindful of what you eat. Did you know that nutrients in the natural, organic food we eat help protect certain systems like our respiratory system? Building and maintaining a healthy respiratory system can help not only overcome invasion but any variant of that invader too. Why? Because you are the Divine Intelligence that was created to protect itself. Given a proper diet, exercise regimen, and washing away those toxins that don’t serve you, our body is empowered to resonate on a higher VIBRATION! I teach more on this in the 360! For Life! program. I have included a link with foods that support the respiratory system so that you can start creating some healthy, happy, sustainable meals at home. I ask that you pay special attention to the foods to AVOID and notice they are the very things that we LOVE! LINK
Now you realize the importance behind meal planning and the reason why so many of our people are falling ill. Set up a plan that the family will both enjoy and provide substantial nutritional needs. And remember, a holy diet is a righteous diet. Sign up for assistance on your journey at 360! For Life! We tend to the needs of cancer patients and their caregivers.
With Torah Blessings!
Queen Adirah

Please answer this brief survey

Advice Column

Summer Planting Workshop

The ‘The Plant A Pot Of Patience’ workshop focused on starting a nice
little Herb garden that can be started and raised in small living spaces.
There are lots of lateral gardening decorating ideas that fit into small
window gardens or atop your counters or just on your window sills. These
miniature gardens take up very little space, but contain a wide range of
nutrients that help to not only season your food, but boost your
nutritional profile exponentially as well. The Herbs we planted are dense
with nutrients that help sustain good health and vitality. What are they?
Well, just click the link and find out. We had so much fun in this
workshop! It is a two-hour playback chuck full of good information for you
to start your own blessed garden right at home, right now. Plus we went
over some great ideas to repurpose some recycled products right as home.
Just click the link and GrO! PIW ‘Plant A Pot Of Patience’ workshop

What You Need for the Workshop:

Gardening Gloves with rubber tips
Big ole plastic bag to protect your surfaces
3 empty toilet paper rolls
15 inch piece of yarn
Organic seeds oregano, parsley, thyme
Organic potting soil
Black marker
Little plastic lid from a take-out order

With Torah Love~

Queen Adirah Levy
360! For Life! Holistic Health Coach
Hearts Of Humanity, Community Development Corp.

Recipes For Healthy Living

Try this delicious recipe at home


1 bunch Broccoli Rabe
1 stalk celery
1 small red onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 TBL Olive oil
Himalayan Salt & Cracked Black pepper


Rinse the broccoli rabe and steam it for a few minutes. Crush and peel the garlic and let it sit for 10 minutes. Peel the onion and let it sit for 10 minutes. Heat the oil in the pan. Chop the onion and sautee in the pan 3 min. Chop the celery and add it to the pan sautee 5 minutes. Mince the garlic and add it to the pan. Sautee all together add a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Remove the steamed broccoli rabe and toss into the pan with the garlic, celery and onions. Cover for 5 min. Enjoy with fresh sweet potato matzo (see recipe on Facebook page 360 For Life).


Foods that support the respiratory system:

Red Onions (Peel and let sit 10 minutes)
Fermented Products
Olive Oil
Dark Chocolates (Don’t overdo!)
Flax Seeds (Be sure to grind them up before use)
Garlic (Peel and crush. Let sit 10 min)
Green Leafy Veggies
Citrus fruits


Eat To Live! The Eternal will do the rest~

With Torah Blessings

Rabbinit Queen Adirah eshet Rabbi Benyamin Levy

**360! For Life! Vegan Lifestyle Trainer & Holistic Health Coach**


Roasted Cashew Dip

1/2 lb Bag roasted cashews soaked over 4 hours
1 clove garlic crushed, minced
A little bit of onion
1/2 tsp ACV
1/2 tsp Basil
1/4 tsp Coriander
1/4 tsp Cumin
1 TBL Nutritional yeast
1 tsp liquid aminos
Crack black pepper
Blend in food processor until smooth

Double dipping is allowed!


Eggplant, Portabella, Spinach Delight

Slice onions and crush 1 clove garlic. Sautee onion and cubed eggplant in a little grapeseed oil. After 15 minutes add the sliced portabella mushrooms. Season with thyme, gr cumin, gr coriander, cracked black pepper and Himalayan salt. Add 1/2 cup water. Cover immediately. Simmer 5 min. Stir. Cover. Simmer10 min. Enjoy!


Shona Levy (AKA Queen Adirah) is a Certified Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Consultant. She is the founder of 360! For Life, a coaching service that focuses on wellness from a holistic perspective, nourishing the elements in you: Wind, Water, Fire & Earth. She is a vegan lifestyle trainer and has been promoting the whole food, plant based lifestyle since 2012 on Vegan Plate Please on Facebook. In 2019, Shona launched a series of interviews with cancer experts titled “Cancer, Be Gone!”. This series highlights a number of thought leaders in the medical community, as well as cancer survivors and vegan chefs to share their experiences with alternative and integrative therapy. Shona sits on the board of The Annie Appleseed Project, advocating for cancer patients and caregivers who seek more information about cancer treatment and the options they have to reach for a better quality of life naturally. 

3 thoughts on “The Health Spot With Queen Adirah”

  1. Zipporah Profeet

    Very informative, Thanks for sharing this valuable information. You inspire me to eat better!

    May Hashem continue to bless you real good.
    Love & Torah Blessings 🙏🏿😍

    1. Yes, my beautiful sister! Eat well! We had the health & economic summit in Feb 2019. It was excellent preparation for this awful situation we’re in right now. Please stay in prayer and be diligent.

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